As "Good Health- Hospital & Institutional supplier" we are specialized pharmaceutical distributor in supplying required pharmaceutical drugs and materials to a majority of hospitals & Nursing home. This unit is boosted by a strong distribution channel and a team of highly qualified and dynamic team of Medical Representatives, delivery boys and delivery vehicles.
Our unit consolidates pharmaceuticals from variety reputed Multi-national Pharma companies into location-specific deliveries to hospitals, Nursing homes and private practitioners. Efficient and economical source of pharmaceuticals, specialty pharmaceutical products and value-added services are offered to healthcare providers via this unit. We can say that we reach those places where everyone does not.
Our expertise lies in the field of hospital supply distribution having a strong hold over the markets in Maharashtra and Gujarat state. This is the result of our expertise and healthy track record of improving efficiency and strong distribution channel that has fuelled our growth.
We also have our Retail Chains of Medical Shops under the name of Good Health in Mumbai Region.